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Bat Boxes

Boxes for bats serve as a summer day shelter for these mammals and as a nesting place for whole colonies of bats.

It is the mission of MKW Pracownia to create bat boxes that would meet natural needs of these mammals. Boxes for bats are assembled with stainless screws and the boards are joined by a carpentry technique called “spline joint” that creates one surface perfect for bats. That is the reason why bats occupy our boxes quite willingly. Our offer includes boxes for bats designed to be installed on tree trunks, Stratmann-, Issel- and English-Type. We also produce embedded boxes to be installed in the insulation layer on building walls and surface boxes that should be fixed on the outer skin of a building.

We are experts in production of boxes and shelters for bats– if you are looking for some more information about bat boxes – visit our website mkwpracownia.pl/

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